Friday, December 28, 2012

The Weight loss New Years Resolution- Attainable? YES!

With New Years on its way we're all putting together a list of resolutions we hope to keep. With weight loss nearing the top for most of us, I want to bring you the inspiring story of my Sister in Law and friend- Aubry Dunn, and how she went from 250 pounds to 176.
                            Before: August 2011                After: July 2012

Aubry Dunn, 25 year old stay at home mom, has always been athletic. As a child she participated in t-ball and soccer- which she continued throughout high school. She also participated in softball, weight lifting class, and horseback riding. She loves to run, hike, and go biking. A person might ask how someone so active could become overweight. Aubry's weight gain came solely from having children, and she found her breaking point during her 2nd pregnancy, however, since the children are all close in age it made it difficult to begin serious workout routines.
What really motivated Aubry was her health. She says she likes being healthy, and after being on medication for asthma, acid re-flux and almost being put on high blood pressure medication, it made her put her foot down and make big changes. Now she just takes vitamins. Her asthma was worse when she was heavier, but now she seldom uses her inhaler, keeping it mostly for emergencies. Aubry also says she wants to be healthy for her kids- "Later in life, I want to be one of those Grandmas that runs marathons," She said.
One month after her last baby was born, Aubry began working out. She started on a treadmill, lifting free weights, and using Bob Harper DVD's. That's when she found Insanity. Aubry, being determined to lose weight, decided to try it.
When Aubry started Insanity she would do it four times a week. After two weeks she added a day and two weeks after that she began working out six days a week. She did not always work out consecutive days in a row, but if she at least did six days, she felt good. After six months she began adding more days to her routine. "It [the weight] was coming off fast, but in my head it didn't seem like it was coming off fast enough," She said. Aubry began over working herself; doing Insanity eight, even ten days in a row and multiple times a day. Desperate to lose the rest of the weight, she couldn't think about anything else.
After a few months of doing Insanity six or more days in a row, she missed her period. Because she knew she couldn't be pregnant, it worried her, making her realize that she was working out too much. She decided to take a week off and begin working out in a healthy way. "You need breaks," She said- "they're important." After her week off, she resumed Insanity at five days a week and then progressed to six. Aubry said she felt fine as long as she took a day off since she still remained active even without Insanity; going on bike rides and walks with the kids. She says that a good friend and owner of the gym she works out at, Andrea Cordle of Cor24 Fitness, told her she was doing too much. Her husband Jeremy, 28, said the same thing.
For Aubry, the most difficult part of weight loss was the mental, as well as emotional aspects of it. Going on, she says that there were days she cried through entire workouts and others where she did a second work out because she was so proud of herself and she had fun. Continuing on, Aubry says there were days she wondered if her goal was even realistic and that her husband Jeremy said, "There's only one way to find out." Now there are more fun days than bad, however, a new mind set about herself is something she is still trying to tackle. "Fat is still fresh in my mind- between stretch marks, C-section scars, and cellulite it's hard to feel sexy." She adds, "I'm getting better slowly but surely." Aubry says she feels empowered and that she does feel sexy working out because she can, "kick butt."
A support system is very important, especially one that takes it seriously. Aubry says the best thing for her was prayers and work out buddies. "Getting in shape is not an easy thing to do," She says, "and it never gets easy- you just get better."
When asked if there was a key person in that support system, Aubry talks about various people. Her kids cheered her on as well as reminded her to work out if she hadn't yet. Her husband was also helpful, making sure she had time to go to the gym by taking care of the children. "He's very proud of me," said Aubry. She mainly kept to herself and seldom talked about her weight with anyone because she felt like a burden, however, if there was anyone Aubry did talk to, it was Andrea Cordle.  "Very inspiring," She said. "She gave me great tips- still does." Aubry states that Andrea, having been on her own weight loss journey, was easy to talk to and is also who turned her onto My Fitness Pal- an app used to track calorie intake and record exercise. "I didn't want to have a 'food diary'", she said, "but with my smart phone I could use the app anywhere I went." Aubry used MyFitness Pal regularly for about 8 months and feels that it has helped her be more cautious about what she ate because she didn't want to track it and potentially exceed her calorie goal. "You have to be honest with yourself." She says that MyFitness Pal keeps you accountable to friends you assign, alerting them if you don't log in for a few days. The app not only allows you to track calorie intake, but exercise as well. This helped Aubry see how much it took to burn off certain foods. She found that the more processed a food was, the less she could eat of it because of the amount of calories it contained and she decided to cut processed food out of her diet. Instead, she would add extra fruit or vegetables to every meal she ate, helping her stay below her calorie goal and still feel satisfied.
       When asked about weighing and measuring, Aubry said she found it best to choose one day and stick with it. She chose Saturday and measured and weighed herself first thing in the morning before she ate. She said, "It bugged me a bunch, but weight isn't the most accurate way to gauge your health." Aubry found it helpful to calculate her BMI (Body Mass Index) and realized she was most comfortable and healthy at 155, so she made it her goal weight.
Difficult at the start, Aubry says before she made progress she could barely do any of the Insanity moves. Now, she can do them all. Aubry goes on to say it used to be hard to keep up with her kids, or do things she enjoyed like horseback riding, and now she plays more often and can easily ride horse back again. She also says she is not exhausted or depressed.
Besides weight loss, Aubry feels her biggest reward is her overall health. When she had visited her doctor after losing 65 pounds, she said he was shocked. "I love the 'WOW factor'", she says, "That’s all anyone says if they haven't seen me for a while- 'WOW!'" Having gone from a size 18 to a size 12, she also feels more confident. Aubry's advice to people struggling with weight, or on their own weight loss journey, is to take their goals seriously and strive to achieve them every day. "You have to change something about yourself," she said, "1 year from now you're either going to be the same or different and that's up to only you." She also advises to have a support system to encourage you on your journey. "If I can do it, anyone can do it." She said, "It's not the lame cliché, it's the truth!"
Aubry has come a long way on her weight loss journey but when she reaches her goal she says she won't stop there. She strives to always be healthy for her kids, and hopes to instill healthy living in them. When asked about other goals she says, "There will always be new goals; running marathons, beating my times in those marathons- all sorts of stuff to do." Aubry again touches on self-image and hopes to soon overcome the somewhat negative outlook she has on her body. "I need to work on not underestimating myself," she says, "I'm always surprising myself with how much I can do- like I think I can't do it- but I can."
It's taken Aubry one year to get this far and she hopes to reach her goal weight of 155 before summer. "It feels like it took a long time;" she says about losing weight, "It's like a kid waiting to go to Disney Land- to them it seems to take forever."
Making New Years Resolutions is one thing, and keeping them is yet another, but don't be intimidated by adding weight loss to your list. If there is anything to take away from this incredible story of determination to losing weight and being healthy, it's that it is possible!
                                Today: December 28th, 2012

Thanks for reading! Happy New Year!

Disclaimer: Always talk to your doctor before beginning any new exercise routines or making serious changes to your diet. This story is true and accurate to how it was told to me by Aubry Dunn.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Nail It November! Week 3

This one is a super easy way to get a wintery look without painting snowflakes all over your nails!

   First, choose a glitter or shimmer polish- like Ice Queen by Sally Hansen. Then apply one or two coats depending on how much pigment the polish contains. Third, add a top coat and dry! The quickest mani- ever! Cheers! And Happy Holidays!

No-Shave November

       This post is dedicated to No-Shave November, or Movember. While ladies don't exactly participate, the winter weather can make for a less urgent need to shave our legs all the time. In any case, here are some handy shaving tips that are always nice to have around.

  •        Exfoliating before you shave helps slough dead skin cells so you get the closest, cleanest shave. You can use a body scrub, loofah, bath mitt, or even a wash cloth to help exfoliate.
  •       Always exfoliate gently, especially on more delicate areas.
  •       When exfoliating, use larger strokes to avoid over exfoliating.
  •       NEVER exfoliate broken or inflamed skin and be sure you're extra careful if you choose to shave.
  •       Using shaving cream will help you get the smooth stems you're looking for because you get a closer shave, and the closer the shave, the less often you need to. Choose one that is moisturizing and offers a great lather.
  •       I find that men's shaving cream, like Barbasol, offers the best lather. If you don't care for the scent but still prefer your guys shaving cream, look for an unscented version.
  •       Other great shaving creams include; EOS, Venus, Pure Silk, and Skintimate, among others. You can also try razors that have moisture bars for when you're in a rush that give a similar, silky effect.
  •       Let shaving cream sit on your legs for a minute or two so it can soften the hairs a little, making them easier to remove.
  •       Always use a clean razor. You'll get a better shave that way and avoid risking infection. As tempting as it may be, try not to store your razor in the shower. Instead, make sure it's dry and store it in a cupboard, or drawer in the bathroom. P.S. Don't forget to use the blade cover.
  •       Try using an old, clean blush brush like a barbers tool. Apply shaving cream/gel to your leg and, using small circles, bring it to a lather. This ensures a closer shave because it keeps hairs from laying flat.
  •       While you shave, work in small sections- about 3-5 inches at a time, and be sure to rinse your blade often.
  •       Score the sultriest legs and help soothe skin by moisturizing post shave. I love Jergens Ultra Healing, Nivea Smooth Sensations, as well as Avon Naturals Hand and Body Lotion. If you're looking to achieve extra sheen, try a shine serum, or a body oil- like argan oil.
      These tips will help you get gorgeous gams in no time! Hope to hear from you- Enjoy!
XOXO, Ashley

Nail It November! Week 2

This weeks post features glitter ombre nails- a really great look to try for the holidays!

      To get started you'll need three glitter polishes in the same color family. I chose red, pink, and a lighter, less pigmented, pink.

Step one: Start with the darkest color and paint the lower 1/3 to 1/4, depending on length, of your nails. Allow to at least dry to the touch. Since you're layering polish it doesn't have to be completely dry.

Step two: With the middle shade, paint the middle of each nail. Start just over the edge of the first shade you did to help blend.

Step three: Take your lightest shade and paint the remaining space on each nail. Then do a single coat over the entire nail.

The look should be very blended with no hard/visible edges. Here's how it should appear:

Enjoy! Happy Holidays!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nail It November! Week 1

This week for Nail It November I'm featuring a twist on the classic French Manicure- the Half Moon Manicure. Here is a quick how-to:

Step One: Gather your supplies! You'll need two colors of nail polish, paper reinforcements, cotton balls/swabs, and nail polish remover.

Step Two: Paint your base color. Apply two coats to ensure the best look and allow to dry thoroughly. This will keep the reinforcements from lifting polish off your nail and leaving a smudgy, chipped look.

Step Three: Apply reinforcements to the bottom third of your nail. This is and easy step to help achieve the perfect shape for your half moon mani. You can use scissors to cut them in half before removing them from the paper backing to make applying them easier. Make sure the edges are pressed down all the way so that the next coat of color can't seep through.

Step Four: Paint your second color above the reinforcement. It's okay if you go over the reinforcement a little, just be careful you don't paint over it completely. Here's how it should look so far:

Step Five: After your second color dries, slowly peel away the reinforcements. Remember, the polish should dry completely for both colors to ensure a clean look and keep your color from smudging.

Ta-da! Last but not least; clean up edges if necessary for your finished look! There you have it, the easiest, so chic, Half Moon Mani! Be sure to join me during Nail It November and share the looks you come up with. You can post the links to your blog in the comments, or on my Twitter page! Can't wait to see what you post! Till next time, enjoy! xoxo Ashley

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Winter Skin Rescue Round-up!

      Need moisture-stat! That winter weather can zap your whole body of moisture it needs to look amazing. As a follow up to my post Dry Skin, Lets Address This, here are my fave moisturizers from head to toe!

     Argan Oil and Aussie 3 Minute Miracle! Amazing amounts of moisture right here. We all know Argan Oil is a great multi-tasker being useful on hands, hair, and nails. Meanwhile, 3 Minute Miracle is great once a week treatment for your hair. (Bonus, it smells awesome!)

     My arsenal includes these great facial products by Missha, Maybelline, Proactiv, and Biore. The first two are great on the go when you need extra coverage. These BB creams go the extra mile and do more than double duty. They cover, camouflage, protect, AND moisturize! WOW, I know right, so blown away. Then you have this incredible Green Tea Moisturizer from Proactiv that not only hydrates your skin, it calms and reduces redness. Last but certainly not least, my go-to year round, Nourish Moisture Lotion by Biore. Can't go wrong with a classic. All these beauty products are amazing and there is something for every skin type and budget.

     In addition to face lotions, lips need some lovin' too so here are my top faves. The best lip balms; Baby Lips in Quenched by Maybelline, and a sweet mint balm by EOS. I love lip products as you can see, from gloss to stains to lip balms and everything else. In the winter time balms are so important because they are soothing and provide extra moisturizer and protection from the cold so in between swipes of lipstick and gloss, add lip balm. For gloss- gotta love Too Faced, this Glamour Gloss is fabulous and goes on so smoothly with the perfect amount of shine. I also love this lipstick from Covergirl- one of the most flexible, moisturizing lipsticks I've ever tried.

    Hands can get neglected in the winter time so make sure you're paying attention to your digits. Now there are so many hand lotions out there, and there should be, I just chose two but I'm sure you already have a few in your stash so here we go; Satin Hands from Mary Kay, as well as Hand Lotion from EOS. I love Satin Hands, this is great for extra dry hands on days when it's really cold. EOS is a recent discovery for me that I was turned on to by my beauty bonding buddy Aly from Great friend and great writer, check her page out!

     Now when it comes to all over care for your body, I like an array of lotions. I've chosen five among favorites to show you, all on the thicker side, which is great for winter. Nivea Smooth Sensation, Jergens Ultra Healing, April Body Cream, Carol's Daughter Ecstasy (Shea Souffle) and Body Lotion by Bath and Body Works. All of these are going to be useful in fighting dry, dull skin. My current favorite and a recent acquisition thanks to Glossy Box, is the Ecstasy Shea Souffle by Carol's Daughter. This smells and feels amazing. Again, its thicker and this makes it a great moisturizer.

     Don't let the winter weather effect your skin. Take action by staying hydrated, watching the temp in the shower, and  making sure you're applying moisture when and where needed. Don't leave anything out like your lips and hands either. Having great, healthy, glowing skin isn't easy but it's not impossible and a handful of great moisturizers will help guard against dull, dry skin. That's all for now, stay gorgeous and see you next time! xoxo Ashley

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Marbleized Nails: The Experience!

I have been dying to try this hot nail trend and finally sat down and practiced, practiced, practiced! This one's a toughie ladies but it is worth it! Here's my take, on marbleized nails!

      So first things first, you have to decide how you are going to achieve this amazing look.      I read an article on marbleized nails and the technique they used was a little more complicated and took more patience than I could give at the time, however, there are "short cuts" so either way works.
      In the article you take a shallow bowl, fill with water and add a few drops of at least two colors nail polish. Then you use a tooth pick to swirl a design with the polish, but remember; too much mixing and you will make a different color and you wont be able to see your design. After that you gently and slowly dip each nail into to mixed polish. This technique is pretty messy, however, you can avoid a whole lot of clean up by using scotch tape on each side of your nail.

Here are some results of the "water" technique;

As you can see it wasn't the greatest result for me. You, however, may just have better luck!

So lets get down to the deets! My technique is fairly simple and consists of three steps.

Step One: Select colors of polish and mix into desired pattern. You can do this on cardboard or paper plate as shown. Remember not to over mix though or you'll loose the marble design.

Step Two: Here's where the short cuts come in ;) Apply and let dry, a base coat of the main color. Black was the star of my nail design so I painted one coat of black on my nails. Doing so will help achieve the marbleized look without all the mess! Pretty clever huh?
Step Three: Carefully dip each nail into the design. This will be almost like making a finger print but with your nail except you do NOT want to roll the nail in the polish. That ruins the design and mixes the colors further than desired and you'll end up with more of a single color instead of a marbleized look. Lastly, seal the deal and apply a clear coat. Don't let all your hard work go to waste!

Here is how is should look;

 See! If you follow my three easy steps and make use of my shortcuts, you can DIY the marbleized nail look and have rockin' nails in no time! Just remember, coat, gently mix, and dip! Enjoy!


Monday, September 3, 2012

Dry Skin- Let's Address This

Fall is on it's way and while summer can certainly dry out your skin and scalp, it's a lot easier to remedy when it's warm out than when it's cold.
  First things first; the cause. What are things that cause our skin to dry out so much? Well good question! There are more factors than you may think. Of course the weather is a major culprit, then there's showering, shampooing, even conditioner can contribute. Hereditary factors, even the type of water you bathe in. Lets investigate!

  1. Weather. Cool, brisk weather- often dry, can leave your skin looking leathery, and feeling parched. The cooler seasons also seem to be times when we hydrate less- where warm summers push us to stay on top of our h2o intake.

           Add to the amount of water you drink. Instead of aiming for the usual 64oz. try aiming for 100 oz. This way you're more likely to actually reach the 64 oz your body needs and add a little bit to help recoup.
  2. Another factor is the temp of baths and showers. Since it's colder, it's a given that we are prone to take warmer showers than usual. This can also mess with our ph balance, making for dry skin. Some solutions; Try to take warm baths/showers as opposed to hot. I know it's tempting and you're just sooooo cold, but trust me and drink some cocoa instead.
         -While we're on the topic of bathing, take a good look at your shampoo. If you are overdosing on it you may not be rinsing everything out-which, when left on your scalp can cause irritation. Be sure to check the ingredients list and see if there are any that you know contribute to drying out your skin, if so, switch.
        -As hard to believe as it may be, conditioner might be causing your scalp, and body for that matter, some serious irritation. This is because of residue that can build up and sit on your skin, causing it to be itchy and dry. Be sure to rinse thoroughly before you jump out of the shower. Don't forget to rub your body down in areas like your neck, shoulders and chest as well so the conditioner isn't leaving breakout causing residue there either.
         -Product overload may also contribute to dry scalp and thus flakes. Once a week, use a clarifying shampoo to nix the problem. I actually like to use baby shampoo, it's inexpensive and gentle.
         -Go fragrance free. No I don't mean skip deodorant or perfume, but when considering a body wash, try something sans fragrance for a while since it may irritate skin and add to the problem.
         -Test your water. That's right! Test your water for ph levels and also determine whether you have hard water. Chemicals in regular city water that are added to it may bother your skin, and hard water can also contribute. You can find test kits at your local hardware store and most are pretty easy. Once you have your results you may want to install a filter on your shower head and believe me you'll notice a difference.
   Other scalp remedies include using essential oils; like tea tree, rosemary and lavender. Oil treatments, and hair masks also help.
   If you think you have heredity to blame; talk to your doc about diagnosis and treatments.

So, some contributors to dry skin are; weather, water temp and ph, fragrances, residue or product build up, poor diet, and heredity. Try some of these tips and see what works for you- It could be easier than you think.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor are these tips/statements meant to treat, or cure any serious skin conditions. I am not a professional, these are my own thoughts derived from my own experiences and readings.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Summer Faves- Most Worn Edition!

Alas! Summer is coming to an end and in good cheer we bid adieu to warm days in the sun on the beach, shorts, crop tops, flip flops and the like. Here are some of my most worn summer faves. Lets start with the face/hair, naturally.
   Cosmetics from left to right; we have: EYESTUDIO by Maybelline NY- 20 Sapphire Siren. I liked this eye shadow set because you could really mix and match. The hues were perfect for hot summer days and sultry nights. Baby Lips by Maybelline NY- 05 Quenched- really loved this because it already has spf in it which is really important to keep your pout looking healthy and full. Santee Plus Nail Lacquer- I think the sticker with the color name fell off but it is a great color- champagne/bronze. Goes great with everything! Pink Leopard bronzing powder by Too Faced- always a fave when sporting a faux glow! Glazewear by Avon- Ice Pink- this is the gloss I did a review on a couple weeks ago- great shade! Glamour Gloss by Too Faced- Pillow Talk, Crackle Overcoat by Sally Hansen- Distressed Denim, Pink by Victoria's Secret- Fresh and Clean- the perfect scent for summer, there's really nothing better for me. Matte-Nifficent Oil Absorbing Powder by Mark.- Ivory Nude- this powder is amazing to have with you on those extra hot/humid days in addition to blotting sheets. Bio Oil- the best for accidental sunburns. Dream Fresh BB by Maybelline NY- Medium Sheer Tint this was just about the only thing I wore as far as an all over face product. It's got great coverage, and it's light weight. EyeStyle Shadow Box by Bonnebell- Cafe Classics, Perfect Eyebrow Pencil by Avon- Blonde, Great Lash mascara by Maybelline- Very Black, Shadow Insurance by Too Faced- Original, Secret Outlast- Completely Clean. No one wants to constantly re-apply deo or pack it with them and this is my new fave. Naturals Body lotion by Avon- Sugar Plum & Vanilla, Into The Wild by Bath and Body Works. Both are also great summer scents, especially if you feel like going with out perfume or forget all together.
  Hair accessories; a rhinestone barrette, bobby pins, and giant clippy. All based on what I was wearing at the time. Lately I've been noticing more kinks in my hair and so I've been trying more styles that are achieved with bobby pins or clips- as opposed to hair ties.
Fave style, a side part on the right and bangs swept and clipped/pinned up on the left with beachy waves. I also liked doing an inverted pony- easy do when you're going out and in a hurry!
  Fave bag/clutch; VS tote- This is my catch all, my big bag of tricks haha! I have just about everything in here. I throw a clutch in there with essentials for when I want to leave the tote behind. Not sure the brand of the clutch although I think I remember buying it at Payless a few years back.

  Now these are my fave pieces for summer; not most worn- shame on me I know- but I just didn't have a most worn outfit.
 For the majority of summer all anyone wants to wear are shorts and a tank which is good enough for me. 
My favorite tops were very loose and breezy feeling, light fabric. On the left is an oversized tee from Agenda- not sure if the beading is visible in the center, very pretty; on the right- an embellished top from Vanity- Love the back on this one!

The shorts I loved wearing the most this summer were a pair of cut-offs from Old Navy and a distressed pair from City Streets.

   Last but not least, the final look of summer. This was by far my favorite outfit! The bright blue color of the blouse is perfect for the last days of summer. I almost went with denim skinnies but this acid wash/tie dye pair was funner, and a little bit more of a risky choice- both of which I think add sexy factors. I like wearing colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel because they are complimentary, so I paired this outfit with red heels and pulled it together with the red belt. By the end of summer I was obsessed with these red heels from Fioni and didn't mind walking around in them a bit!
Hope you enjoyed my summer faves list as much as I did! xoxo -Ashley

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

  Since I had more time to work on my first review, I decided to review a lip product in honor of a good friend I recently made. That's right, this ones for you lipjunkie101!
 What's cute, tiny, and comes in different colors? BINGO! Avon's Glazewear Lip Gloss! This gloss fits in your pocket or clutch and is the perfect addition to your make-up stash. Add this number to your overnight bag or keep it in your gym locker, at the desk in your office- anywhere!

  The only downside is that it's not long wear but everyone knows a good primer or liner adds life to your gloss ;)

Matte-Nificent Review!

Good morning!
 Today I've reviewed Matte-Nificent Oil Absorbing Powder by mark. and here are the deets!

         Matte-Nificent is nothing short of it's name, the oil absorbing qualities are amazing and I love it! This is the first time that I've tried a matte powder so take this with a grain of salt.
         It comes in a compact with mirror and applicator sponge, which is convenient for on the go use and quick touch ups when necessary. The application is fairly easy and the sponge also aids in oil absorption as would a brush, however, a brush would speed up time and ensure more even coverage.
         The powder is very breathable, blends easily, and is of course wearable with or without other make-up. I like wearing it on top of Dream Fresh Beauty Balm from Maybelline as well as a touch of mascara- the perfect natural look for days at the beach, or when your skin needs a break.
         My over all experience with Matte-Nificent Oil Absorbing Powder from mark. has been amazing; I'll never have to go another day trying to inconspicuously blot my forehead with napkins or cake on heavy product- and that's pretty Matte-Nificent!

Friday, August 10, 2012

What About Me?!

I suppose now would be a good time to post a little bit about myself, however, I am much more intrigued in getting to know YOU! That's right lovely, time to start talking ;) To make it funner we will play a game, because everyone loves to have fun right? So, ask any three questions and I will ask my own three to you- fair? Good lets play!
   Question 1. What is your favorite place to eat, like, no matter what?
Mine is right here in my home, because I can cook just about anything I'd like! I am a pretty good cook too if I don't say so myself.

   Okay, next question. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
If I could have any super power, it would be to have amazing hair styling abilities. I know a few good hair styles but after a while the same thing gets, well, the same. Thank God for YouTube and all those girls willing to take time to teach right?!
   Last question! What is your favorite part about yourself? Personality wise or looks wise, even both.
 I have to say looks wise I love, love, LOVE, my eyes but since everyone says that I'll pick my back. I love to show it off! Personality wise; that I can be myself and still well put together when I need to be!

   Well that was fun, I can't wait to hear from you! Stay fabulous and goodnight!

Attention Ladies and Gents- Now introducing...

Hello, and welcome to my blog!
 First off, I would like to thank you for taking time to read my blog. Second, I hope to captivate, entertain, and inform you on all things beauty, fashion and health. Also, any suggestions, comments, and/or questions are appreciated and encouraged. I cannot promise an immediate response, however, a timely one so please bear with me.
 Once again, thank you! Welcome to Elegance Defined~