Monday, September 3, 2012

Dry Skin- Let's Address This

Fall is on it's way and while summer can certainly dry out your skin and scalp, it's a lot easier to remedy when it's warm out than when it's cold.
  First things first; the cause. What are things that cause our skin to dry out so much? Well good question! There are more factors than you may think. Of course the weather is a major culprit, then there's showering, shampooing, even conditioner can contribute. Hereditary factors, even the type of water you bathe in. Lets investigate!

  1. Weather. Cool, brisk weather- often dry, can leave your skin looking leathery, and feeling parched. The cooler seasons also seem to be times when we hydrate less- where warm summers push us to stay on top of our h2o intake.

           Add to the amount of water you drink. Instead of aiming for the usual 64oz. try aiming for 100 oz. This way you're more likely to actually reach the 64 oz your body needs and add a little bit to help recoup.
  2. Another factor is the temp of baths and showers. Since it's colder, it's a given that we are prone to take warmer showers than usual. This can also mess with our ph balance, making for dry skin. Some solutions; Try to take warm baths/showers as opposed to hot. I know it's tempting and you're just sooooo cold, but trust me and drink some cocoa instead.
         -While we're on the topic of bathing, take a good look at your shampoo. If you are overdosing on it you may not be rinsing everything out-which, when left on your scalp can cause irritation. Be sure to check the ingredients list and see if there are any that you know contribute to drying out your skin, if so, switch.
        -As hard to believe as it may be, conditioner might be causing your scalp, and body for that matter, some serious irritation. This is because of residue that can build up and sit on your skin, causing it to be itchy and dry. Be sure to rinse thoroughly before you jump out of the shower. Don't forget to rub your body down in areas like your neck, shoulders and chest as well so the conditioner isn't leaving breakout causing residue there either.
         -Product overload may also contribute to dry scalp and thus flakes. Once a week, use a clarifying shampoo to nix the problem. I actually like to use baby shampoo, it's inexpensive and gentle.
         -Go fragrance free. No I don't mean skip deodorant or perfume, but when considering a body wash, try something sans fragrance for a while since it may irritate skin and add to the problem.
         -Test your water. That's right! Test your water for ph levels and also determine whether you have hard water. Chemicals in regular city water that are added to it may bother your skin, and hard water can also contribute. You can find test kits at your local hardware store and most are pretty easy. Once you have your results you may want to install a filter on your shower head and believe me you'll notice a difference.
   Other scalp remedies include using essential oils; like tea tree, rosemary and lavender. Oil treatments, and hair masks also help.
   If you think you have heredity to blame; talk to your doc about diagnosis and treatments.

So, some contributors to dry skin are; weather, water temp and ph, fragrances, residue or product build up, poor diet, and heredity. Try some of these tips and see what works for you- It could be easier than you think.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor are these tips/statements meant to treat, or cure any serious skin conditions. I am not a professional, these are my own thoughts derived from my own experiences and readings.


  1. wow, those are gr8 tips, especially with fall on the way, never tried the essential oils, and also didn't know there were shower filters.

  2. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the read. Tea tree oil is my favorite but I dilute it a little bit because it is really strong haha! Yes I love my shower filter, it can really make a difference.
