Friday, December 28, 2012

The Weight loss New Years Resolution- Attainable? YES!

With New Years on its way we're all putting together a list of resolutions we hope to keep. With weight loss nearing the top for most of us, I want to bring you the inspiring story of my Sister in Law and friend- Aubry Dunn, and how she went from 250 pounds to 176.
                            Before: August 2011                After: July 2012

Aubry Dunn, 25 year old stay at home mom, has always been athletic. As a child she participated in t-ball and soccer- which she continued throughout high school. She also participated in softball, weight lifting class, and horseback riding. She loves to run, hike, and go biking. A person might ask how someone so active could become overweight. Aubry's weight gain came solely from having children, and she found her breaking point during her 2nd pregnancy, however, since the children are all close in age it made it difficult to begin serious workout routines.
What really motivated Aubry was her health. She says she likes being healthy, and after being on medication for asthma, acid re-flux and almost being put on high blood pressure medication, it made her put her foot down and make big changes. Now she just takes vitamins. Her asthma was worse when she was heavier, but now she seldom uses her inhaler, keeping it mostly for emergencies. Aubry also says she wants to be healthy for her kids- "Later in life, I want to be one of those Grandmas that runs marathons," She said.
One month after her last baby was born, Aubry began working out. She started on a treadmill, lifting free weights, and using Bob Harper DVD's. That's when she found Insanity. Aubry, being determined to lose weight, decided to try it.
When Aubry started Insanity she would do it four times a week. After two weeks she added a day and two weeks after that she began working out six days a week. She did not always work out consecutive days in a row, but if she at least did six days, she felt good. After six months she began adding more days to her routine. "It [the weight] was coming off fast, but in my head it didn't seem like it was coming off fast enough," She said. Aubry began over working herself; doing Insanity eight, even ten days in a row and multiple times a day. Desperate to lose the rest of the weight, she couldn't think about anything else.
After a few months of doing Insanity six or more days in a row, she missed her period. Because she knew she couldn't be pregnant, it worried her, making her realize that she was working out too much. She decided to take a week off and begin working out in a healthy way. "You need breaks," She said- "they're important." After her week off, she resumed Insanity at five days a week and then progressed to six. Aubry said she felt fine as long as she took a day off since she still remained active even without Insanity; going on bike rides and walks with the kids. She says that a good friend and owner of the gym she works out at, Andrea Cordle of Cor24 Fitness, told her she was doing too much. Her husband Jeremy, 28, said the same thing.
For Aubry, the most difficult part of weight loss was the mental, as well as emotional aspects of it. Going on, she says that there were days she cried through entire workouts and others where she did a second work out because she was so proud of herself and she had fun. Continuing on, Aubry says there were days she wondered if her goal was even realistic and that her husband Jeremy said, "There's only one way to find out." Now there are more fun days than bad, however, a new mind set about herself is something she is still trying to tackle. "Fat is still fresh in my mind- between stretch marks, C-section scars, and cellulite it's hard to feel sexy." She adds, "I'm getting better slowly but surely." Aubry says she feels empowered and that she does feel sexy working out because she can, "kick butt."
A support system is very important, especially one that takes it seriously. Aubry says the best thing for her was prayers and work out buddies. "Getting in shape is not an easy thing to do," She says, "and it never gets easy- you just get better."
When asked if there was a key person in that support system, Aubry talks about various people. Her kids cheered her on as well as reminded her to work out if she hadn't yet. Her husband was also helpful, making sure she had time to go to the gym by taking care of the children. "He's very proud of me," said Aubry. She mainly kept to herself and seldom talked about her weight with anyone because she felt like a burden, however, if there was anyone Aubry did talk to, it was Andrea Cordle.  "Very inspiring," She said. "She gave me great tips- still does." Aubry states that Andrea, having been on her own weight loss journey, was easy to talk to and is also who turned her onto My Fitness Pal- an app used to track calorie intake and record exercise. "I didn't want to have a 'food diary'", she said, "but with my smart phone I could use the app anywhere I went." Aubry used MyFitness Pal regularly for about 8 months and feels that it has helped her be more cautious about what she ate because she didn't want to track it and potentially exceed her calorie goal. "You have to be honest with yourself." She says that MyFitness Pal keeps you accountable to friends you assign, alerting them if you don't log in for a few days. The app not only allows you to track calorie intake, but exercise as well. This helped Aubry see how much it took to burn off certain foods. She found that the more processed a food was, the less she could eat of it because of the amount of calories it contained and she decided to cut processed food out of her diet. Instead, she would add extra fruit or vegetables to every meal she ate, helping her stay below her calorie goal and still feel satisfied.
       When asked about weighing and measuring, Aubry said she found it best to choose one day and stick with it. She chose Saturday and measured and weighed herself first thing in the morning before she ate. She said, "It bugged me a bunch, but weight isn't the most accurate way to gauge your health." Aubry found it helpful to calculate her BMI (Body Mass Index) and realized she was most comfortable and healthy at 155, so she made it her goal weight.
Difficult at the start, Aubry says before she made progress she could barely do any of the Insanity moves. Now, she can do them all. Aubry goes on to say it used to be hard to keep up with her kids, or do things she enjoyed like horseback riding, and now she plays more often and can easily ride horse back again. She also says she is not exhausted or depressed.
Besides weight loss, Aubry feels her biggest reward is her overall health. When she had visited her doctor after losing 65 pounds, she said he was shocked. "I love the 'WOW factor'", she says, "That’s all anyone says if they haven't seen me for a while- 'WOW!'" Having gone from a size 18 to a size 12, she also feels more confident. Aubry's advice to people struggling with weight, or on their own weight loss journey, is to take their goals seriously and strive to achieve them every day. "You have to change something about yourself," she said, "1 year from now you're either going to be the same or different and that's up to only you." She also advises to have a support system to encourage you on your journey. "If I can do it, anyone can do it." She said, "It's not the lame cliché, it's the truth!"
Aubry has come a long way on her weight loss journey but when she reaches her goal she says she won't stop there. She strives to always be healthy for her kids, and hopes to instill healthy living in them. When asked about other goals she says, "There will always be new goals; running marathons, beating my times in those marathons- all sorts of stuff to do." Aubry again touches on self-image and hopes to soon overcome the somewhat negative outlook she has on her body. "I need to work on not underestimating myself," she says, "I'm always surprising myself with how much I can do- like I think I can't do it- but I can."
It's taken Aubry one year to get this far and she hopes to reach her goal weight of 155 before summer. "It feels like it took a long time;" she says about losing weight, "It's like a kid waiting to go to Disney Land- to them it seems to take forever."
Making New Years Resolutions is one thing, and keeping them is yet another, but don't be intimidated by adding weight loss to your list. If there is anything to take away from this incredible story of determination to losing weight and being healthy, it's that it is possible!
                                Today: December 28th, 2012

Thanks for reading! Happy New Year!

Disclaimer: Always talk to your doctor before beginning any new exercise routines or making serious changes to your diet. This story is true and accurate to how it was told to me by Aubry Dunn.