Friday, February 22, 2013

Right Now I'm Loving...

Right Now I'm Loving... Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel-Cream by Garnier

    Weather is getting warmer and the changing of the seasons, for many, often calls for a change in beauty products- especially cleansers and moisturizers. When it's summer time I prefer a gel cleanser/moisturizer set, and a cream cleanser/moisturizer set in the winter. Gel like products are typically lighter, and refreshing- while creamy products tend to be heavier and soothing. If you've never tried switching it up when the weather shifts; now is a great time to  explore you're choices, but above all, stick with what you are comfortable with. Especially if your skincare routine is dictated by a dermatologist- ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR DOC!
    Moving right along, this is an amazing moisturizer, especially with summer coming up. It has a smooth gel texture, is refreshing, and soaks right into your skin. I use about a dimes worth for my whole face so you know it goes a looooong way! It's around $6 dollars and that's a pretty great buy.
    As I mentioned before, if you're used to creamy moisturizers, try switching things up and use a gel product. You never know, it could just be what your skin is dying for! I would definitely recommend this product and will use it again, especially during the hot summer months. This stuff has my seal of approval!

    Thanks for joining in on another weeks' "Right Now I'm Loving..."
xoxo -Ashley

Monday, February 11, 2013

Right Now I'm Loving...

Right Now I'm Loving... Instant Freeze by Aussie!
This hairspray is maximum hold and boy does it work! Nothing and I mean NOTHING can get my hair to stay in curls- that was until I found Instant Freeze from Aussie! Now I can have great curls that literally last all day long. From 8 am to 6 pm and then some, and that's real holding power!
 You use like any other hair spray and voila, great hair. It can feel crunchy but it wont look crunchy, and if you don't want it to feel crunchy then you can rake your fingers gently through your hair or separate your curls a little bit.
 I love this hairspray- it smells good, lasts long, and the best part is that it's right around $4! As many of you know, I am all about getting a great beauty product for a steal and with this one you definitely can't go wrong!
 Thanks for tuning into this weeks Right Now I'm Loving...
See you next time! xoxo Ashley

Friday, February 1, 2013

Right Now I'm Loving...

Introducing a new feature called "Right Now I'm Loving..." where I weekly discuss and review what I am infatuated with at that time! There will be a new post each week on Friday. Hope you tune in and enjoy the new posts!

 So, onward with the post! Right now I'm loving... Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub! I bought a trial size version of it right before I ran out of my usual facial cleanser and it's amazing!
 It's a creamy cleanser with mild, gentle exfoliating beads. It contains salicylic acid to help fight and prevent acne and is quite effective without being over-drying. As mentioned before I bought it before I finished up the rest of my usual cleanser, 360* Clean by L'Oreal, and when I started using it I put it on my scrublet just like I normally would. It helps exfoliate better than my fingertips do so I like it even more.
 I will most likely repurchase this cleanser because it has a lot of qualities that I like in a facial product; a little goes a long way, it's effective, and doesn't dry out my skin. It also doesn't come with too spendy a price tag either, and you can't go wrong with that!

 Thanks for reading! xoxo, Ashley